September 19, 2024

Phil Collins is undoubtedly one of the most driven and influential musicians of recent decades. Whether through his work with Genesis, his solo career, or his collaborations with various artists, it’s difficult to explore any genre of music without encountering an influence from Phil Collins.

As a percussionist, Phil Collins is in a league of his own, and there are several reasons for this. Primarily, his technical skill stands out. Collins has an exceptional ability to craft intricate rhythms, a talent that few can match. His drumming is captivating and plays a crucial role in the distinctive sound for which he is celebrated.

He also has the ability to step away from any single instrument and assess a track in its entirety. He understands when a song needs to be pared down or when it requires additional elements, enabling him to create a unique atmosphere. The tracks from Genesis and his solo work possess such a cinematic quality that they are almost irresistible.

Lastly, his innovation stands out. Before Collins, drum machines were not widely embraced by artists, largely due to their lack of prestige. However, Collins looked beyond this stigma and recognized their potential. He saw drum machines as a tool that could enhance the distinctive atmosphere of his music. His progressive use of effects not only improved his songwriting but also contributed to his success, as evidenced by his hit songs, which he attributes to his use of the drum machine.

“Drum machines allow you to avoid having to cover every detail when composing… For me, they create an atmosphere. I establish this atmosphere with the drum machine, which I then interact with on the keyboards,” he explained, elaborating on his creative process. “’In the Air Tonight’ is a perfect example. I set up a hypnotic drum machine pattern and let it play for a while, which gave me time to think. Then, when I introduced the chords, it all came together perfectly.”

Although Collins has created a wealth of great music, it’s undeniable that one of his most iconic tracks is the classic “In the Air Tonight.” With his extensive experience in crafting atmospheres and utilizing various technologies, he was able to lay the groundwork for this hit and discern exactly how the song needed to evolve.

The track serves as a clear demonstration of Collins’s songwriting prowess, showcasing all the elements that distinguish him from other drummers. This includes the innovative use of technology in the writing process, his skill in creating a compelling atmosphere, and his technical mastery evident in both the drum solo and the song’s overall rhythm.

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